Friday 14 August 2015

That Friday Feeling

It's Friday!! We always used to have a Friday shout out when our boys were young - Iiiiiiiiiiits Friday! would signal that the weekend had begun. I still do a little dance when Friday comes around and we still exchange an 'It's Friday!' text :)

This time last week we attended a family wedding - it was a wonderful day full of smiles and love. It's been a while since we went to a wedding. The bride arrived in an orange beribboned VW Campervan. We giggled and were dewy eyed through a wonderful service presided over by a very modern vicar who made us all laugh and focused in on what it means to be married. A hog roast and music, speeches and spending time with family we don't see enough of. A good day.

Memories of a good week. It may be raining today but the sun did shine for some of it. 

Happy Friday and I hope you enjoy the weekend wherever you are :)

Tuesday 11 August 2015


It's that time again! I love harvest - the sound of the combines and tractors working in the fields, huge containers going past the cottage filled with the bounty of the land. Headlights blazing in the fields as the farmers work late into the night to get the harvest in.

We wandered down our lane to watch the wheat being harvested Sunday evening. There's something a little bit magical about watching a crop that we have watched grow over these months, being harvested and baled. 

There's something even more magical about being asked if you'd like a ride on the combine! Here's my close-up view of harvest this year :)

There's something quite intimidating about seeing one of these thundering towards you!

Job done :)

Monday 3 August 2015

A few of my favourite things...

Monday-itus struck today. 

I've never particularly liked Mondays. Today I needed a pick-me-up. Cue a walk with the dogs, a bit of stitching and having my boys at home.

So, here are a few things that made me smile today..

A favourite blouse, some vintage notions, a glorious cow that the picture can't quite capture, my favourite scissors (why do I love these scissors so much?), a busy bee, scratching chickens and my dogs :)

Now that's better.