Monday 23 March 2015

A Few of my Favourite Things

Art thou the bird whom Man loves best, 
The pious bird with the scarlet breast, 
Our little English Robin

William Wordsworth
The Redbreast Chasing The Butterfly

What's making me smile this week...

So lovely to be revisiting patchwork - haven't done this for so long. Loved making a quilted mini basket and glasses case. I feel a quilt coming on.
My favourite dressing gown with cute ears - always makes me smile :)
My polka dot blouse is nearly finished, just waiting for the buttons I ordered to arrive - can't wait to wear it. 
Finding some watercolours that I painted years ago - I had a real thing about painting insects - in this case an aphid!
The highlight of the week has to be one of the gorgeous robins in our garden landing on my hand. Patience rewarded. Such a wonderful experience - the feel of those little feet on your hand.
Have a good week wherever you are.

ps - can you tell that I definitely have a thing for polka dots and gingham?!

Thursday 19 March 2015

A Spring Day

A happy Spring day in the Cotswolds. 
Everything seems to look and feel different when the sun comes out doesn't it?
A little bit of gardening- scratched hands, sore back and happiness.
A little bit of stitching in the sunshine.
Playing with the dogs - can't you see the smiles on their faces?
Colour starts to appear in the garden. Our mood lifts. Spring is here.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Home Sweet Home!

Excited to be taking part in the Very Berry ATC Swap 6 with the theme of Home Sweet Home. 

I've taken part in one before and thoroughly enjoyed it. The theme for the last one I took part in, was called Getting Away From It All and my package went to a lovely lady called Annie in Queensland, Australia. 

I received this gorgeous card from Paula of Mud, Pies and Pins

It was delivered by a soaking wet post lady and was literally like a ray of sunshine through the post. It's absolutely beautiful and I look at it every day as I have it perched next to my desk. 

It was the first such swap I had taken part in and it took me by surprise just how important it became to me. One thing I learnt from last time - is to start early! Here are my first thoughts...

Isn't it interesting what it is that makes our homes so special? A cup of tea by a roaring fire or under the shade of a favourite tree? The animals who share your life? A Sunday roast cooking on a lazy weekend? A place where you can be yourself? A place of laughter, safety and happy memories? 

When I asked one of my sons what it was that made for home sweet home - what, for example, did he look forward to when coming home from university ? Food came back the swift reply. Hmmm.

Vintage Finds

Don't you just love a good vintage jumble sale? Last weekend I had a good wander around a local vintage sale with a variety of stalls selling fabrics and trims as well as china, books and clothes. Bliss.

Beautiful hand embroidered linens

I wonder who spent many happy hours  sewing this?

A lovely length of vintage fabric

Some yummy embroidery threads

Pretty delicate crocheted doilies

One happy bunny :)
Had any good finds recently?

Tuesday 10 March 2015


I loved this pattern as soon as I saw it. I've always been a fan of 1940s fashion and couldn't resist the feminine lines of this blouse.

 Not sure my waist is quite this tiny but I thought I'd give it a go anyway!

I chose a pretty grey and pink cotton, which I thought looked very retro.

I'm pleased with the way it turned out - it fits well, if I breathe in.

I love the little peplum!

I couldn't make my mind up about the buttons so obviously went with both colours!

Can't wait to wear it. Roll on Spring and the warm weather - not long to wait now.

Monday 9 March 2015

“She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
"Winter is dead.”
A.A.Milne When We Were Very Young

The weekend offered a wonderful taste of Spring didn't it?
Birds were singing louder, buds were everywhere, there was a glorious warmth in the air and the beautiful daffodil made its first appearance.

Bountiful snowdrops
I'll miss their delicate beauty when they disappear for another year
Easter yellow

Thoughts turn to Spring wardrobes, the outside furniture will be given a lick of paint, the barbeque is readied for use and the days get longer.

So it's good to see the daffodil - you are very welcome.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

I love digging out old patterns. They bring back so many memories of the time when you sewed them. Recently I came across these little gems.

Now, this first one, Simplicity 8320 was given to me when our first son was born.

I can't remember who gave it to me. Don't you love the illustrations? I apparently had an outfit not dissimilar to the red one on the right! I don't know if you can make it out but the price is 6 shillings or 30p!

This next pattern I remember making up (version 1) in a cotton blue and white check.

Now we come to Simplicity 9847. Oh I certainly remember this.

Yes – I made this up!

Anyone remember maternity wear like this in the 80s? Our choices back in the day were pretty limited and making your own dress so as to try and be a little differently dressed was a good option.

Loving the pose of pregnant lady in blue dress! I also remember loving the hair cut of the model in the main picture!
