Friday 25 September 2015

It's Friday!

What is it about Friday? It's not just heralding the weekend - it's so much more than that.

It can mean so many things - visiting family and friends, a glorious day in a gallery or country house, going to watch football/ rugby (insert favourite sport here), going down the pub, trip to the theatre, going shopping, some DIY, or a long walk in the countryside. The beginning of the weekend signals to me that it's ok to sit and read a book, or sew for pleasure or just sit.

Somehow, in this busy life we all lead, I feel a real guilt if I find myself sitting down and not actually achieving anything beyond relaxation. I feel like I should be doing something else - checking my e-mails, doing the ever present pile of ironing or walking the dogs who eye me with disapproval when I'm not in a potential 'going outside to do something exciting' mode. 

Sometimes I don't want to do anything exciting, I just want to sit. 

So, hello Friday. I'm sitting down. 

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