Saturday 2 January 2016

Today I'm the Bad Guy...

Today is the day when I'm regarded as the bad guy. It's January 2nd and the day that we I take down the Christmas tree. It's not Christmas any more - not for me. It's a new year. I'm still full of Christmas spirit and indeed still eating my way through the Christmas food but it's not Christmas any more.

I know some folks keep their tree up for longer..Twelfth Night...I know... but maybe it's how it always was for me as a child when Mum took the tree down New Year's Eve to 'let the New Year in fresh'. The Christmas tree feels a little (say it quietly)...sad. 

It's a reminder that gone for another year are .....the cheesy Christmas films, the slow ramp up of excitement, the family gathering together, the endless Christmas songs playing in the stores, the secret squirrel texts and e-mails, trees going up in the high street, looking out for the delivery van, the panic, the wrapping (ohhh the wrapping) the cooking and the fun. 


Why am I the bad guy? I miss it too you know. But somehow I need to get back to normal. I need the routine that blissfully goes out of the window at Christmas but which I need to surround myself with again. 

So, this morning I have my 'nasty' hat on. Sideways glances, tutting and muttering. Sorry guys it's going for another year. But oh Christmas lovely were your branches..weren't you just the best tree ever? How we loved you and how magical you made it all.

Check out Archie's woeful expression. He knows it's coming down. Both dogs sulked for a while.

Still.... only another 357 sleeps until next Christmas....

Sherry xxx

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